Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sunday Snapshot: Only in Wisconsin...

Your eyes do not deceive you.
That really is an 18 foot tall snowman in our family self portrait.

Some days it is not so fun to live in Wisconsin. Winter is cold and long. There are never enough snow plows on the road and too many drivers wind up in ditches. The lack of sun makes me grumpy.

But today is not one of those bad days. Today is the kind of day that makes me appreciate living somewhere with four seasons. I loved taking A.J. to see the snowman even though I know he won't remember any of it. I love that this family took on such a huge project and is happy to share it with everyone. 4 other families were there taking pictures during the 5 minutes we were there.

A part of me hopes this is the beginning of an annual tradition. How cool would it be if this snowman comes back every winter? How awesome would it be to watch my little guy grow with an 18 foot snowman as his growth chart? But even if it is only for this winter, I am thankful for such a great memory.

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