Friday, February 27, 2009


Al Gore and I have a love hate relationship. Why? Well because he created the internet, of course. And in doing so he opened up a whole world of people. Now most of those people are crazy, but some of them are MY KIND of crazy. Because of the internet, I've been blessed to develop relationships with some really cool people I never would have met otherwise. The hate part comes in when it comes to the distance between us. Sometimes you just want to be able to meet your girlfriends for a cup of coffee and a vent fest at Starbucks.

While there's no Starbucks planned for this weekend, I'm sure there will be plenty of venting with these girls. It's only been a couple of months since we were last together, but it feels like much much longer. So tonight we'll all meet up and catch up and eat up! And for just a couple of days we won't have to rely on email and blogs and gchat!

Can't wait!

1 comment:

Barb said...

Reunited, and it feels so good
Reunited, 'cause we understood

Can't wait!