Sunday, January 4, 2009

Menu Planning Monday

Hold onto your hats! One of my goals for the new year is to do a better job of planning our meals. This will translate into better use of our money at the grocery store, less dining out, and a healthier household in general.

So, here's my plan for this week:

Monday: Roast chicken with stuffing and broccoli
Tuesday: Baked spaghetti and meatballs with garlic bread.
Wednesday: taco soup
Thursday: dinner out (I have a late doctors appointment and we have a tradition of going out to eat after my appointments)
Friday: fend for yourself/clean out the fridge night. Because..
Saturday: the first of many meals at DISNEY WORLD!!!

I really want to try some new recipes this year. This week doesn't include any, but in future weeks I'll include the new recipes and a review on my blog.

Hope everyone is enjoying the final hours of Christmas vacation. It's back to the real world tomorrow!

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